
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

2016 Gauteng Schools Art and Design Awards Exhibition

Leah Bortz, Untitled, Ballpoint pen drawing.
Reddam House College.

FADA Gallery in association with the Johannesburg Junior Council (JJC) presents the 2016 Gauteng Schools Art and Design Awards Exhibition.

Venue: FADA Gallery, University of Johannesburg (Bunting Road Campus)

Exhibition run: Friday 16 September – Friday 14 October 2016 (extended)

Gallery hours:    
Tuesday to Friday 09:00 – 16:00
Saturday 09:00 – 13:00
Closed Sundays, Public and University Holidays.

Art is not just pretty pictures and light entertainment: art is a great unifier, a tool for promoting awareness by critically reflecting on society and an educational tool that can provide useful skills development and simultaneously inspire self-confidence in the youth of SA. Johannesburg Junior Council: Art Statement (Constitution).

Laura van Rooyen, Lifted.
acrylic on board. St Stithians Girls College.
The Award Winners
The awards exhibition, now in its eighth year, is hosted annually by the FADA Gallery, located on the Bunting Road Campus of the University of Johannesburg. The prizes are sponsored by Herbert Evans - a special word of Thanks to Emme and her team.

First Prize, Gabriella Fedetto. Lovely, Video Animation. St Stithians Girls College. (Video to be uploaded shortly).

Second prize, Isabella Potenza. Normalising the Natural, Digital Photography Prints. SacredHeart College (image above)

Third Prize, Amani Badir, Inside Outside, Oil on Canvas. Abbots College Northcliff (image above and detail below.)

Merit Award Winners.

Who may enter the competition.
The competition is open to all pupils who are, at the beginning of the exhibition year, permanently resident in South Africa and in grades 11 or 12. They are attending school in the Gauteng Province and their school is registered as a member of the Johannesburg Junior Council.

Selection & Awards Judging.
Aproximately a 100 works are selected by the judges and elligible for the awards and prizes sponsored by HerbertEvans. The overall winner, a first and second prize,  including merit award winners were announced at the exhibition opening on Thursday 15 September 2016.
Adlilson De Olliveira. Migration: Passage of Ideology.
Acrylic on Fabric. St John's College.
Aims and Objectives of the Art and Design Awards Competition.

Providing the youth of the province with a unified platform for creative expression, whilst honouring their art skills and talents.

To acknowledge creative output produced at local secondary schools: as work made formally for an art and design (including Technology) subject portfolio and informally, as part of the school’s extramural activities.

To raise awareness amongst schools of the significant role creativity plays in a pupil’s development.

Contribute to the development of standards in art and design teaching and leaning amongst secondary schools.

To promote art and design disciplines as a lucrative career choice and study option at tertiary institutions (possibly awarding a bursary as first prize).

To stimulate the development of creative role models amongst school peers in awarding prestigious prizes normally associated with achievements in sport and other extramural activities.

Anya Fries, Pause, Pencil Drawing. Roedean School.
To create a ‘visual platform’ for teaching and learning art and design at secondary schools.

Julia Hope. The Wall, The Girl, Fine liner on paper.
Roedean School.
Exposing work of a high standard produced at a secondary level in a formal gallery space, in a curated fashion, meeting museum standards.

Encourage a culture of visiting museums and galleries in preserving and valuing our cultural heritage amongst the youth.