
Monday, January 19, 2015

FADA Gallery : YOGAWORKS to improve your health, strength, flexibility and balance.


Johannesburg Corporate yoga and wellness programs, Yoga in the Park, Yoga at Wits University and now at FADA Gallery; to improve your health, strength, flexibility and balance.

Venue:  FADA Gallery.
Tuesdays / Thursday afternoons 16:00 - 17:00.
Price:   R50 rand per session.

why yoga?
Yoga is an ancient set of physical, mental and spiritual practices and disciplines originating from India. The aim of the practice is to attain a state of permanent peace of mind, through training, uniting and aligning the body, mind and breath of the practitioner.

The best-known part of yoga is the physical practice (also called asana practice), which consists of a series of postures designed to improve one’s strength, flexibility and balance. Besides the physical practice yogis also use breathing, meditation and relaxation techniques.

about steven heyman

Steven worked in the corporate world for 12 years, traveling around the African continent to develop new business and start up and manage new offices for a Belgian company. He is originally from Belgium and found a new home in South Africa since 2006. During those years of working in the corporate world, yoga has been an amazing tool for him in maintaining a clear mind and a healthy lifestyle while working in a stressful environment.

After becoming a registered vinyasa yoga instructor he decided to leave the corporate world, start Yoga Works and use his experience and yoga to help office workers de-stress and be healthy.

His classes always carry an element of surprise and challenge. Their aim is to leave you inspired, motivated and full of energy for the working day or week ahead.

For more information click on provided links:


Should you be interested, please contact Steven Heyman directly, cell: 0728352525 / email:, or the FADA Gallery - contact details below.

Eugene Hön    

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